Skirt SociAL | 'Bring a Bestie' Cocktails
Saturday, April 26th
Darling, Our newest Phoenix Ambassador,
Jennifer, inviting YOU to enjoy an evening of libations as you mix and mingle with other sexy members in your local community. We're ready to restart our events in Phoenix, in style!
There are now over 65 members in our city...
aren't you delighted to be one of them? Together we spread the joy of Skirt Club! It's time to get social and seductive with conversation that's both intellectually and sexually stimulating... join us as we toast to feminine energy and sexy new friends!
'Bring a Bestie' This special "Bring Your Bestie" event welcomes both members and their non-member friends to experience the magic of Skirt Club. Bring that girlfriend who lights up every room she enters – whether she's a member or not – and let's toast to new friendships and feminine energy.
This is your perfect chance to introduce YOURSELF and a friend to our community. Non-members welcome with member accompaniment (please select "Bring a Bestie" ticket).