Yoni Activation | Online Workshop with Kinga Papp
Skirt Society
Thursday 17 October, 2024
The Yoni. She's a sacred force, Darling, but she's ours to strengthen and embrace... Join expert Kinesiologist and esteemed Tantric Healer, Kinga Papp, for this two hour online workshop in Yoni Activation.
The yoni is considered to be a representation of our inner divine feminine, the Shakti and the creative force that moves through the entire universe. In tantra, the yoni is the origin of life. Trauma, stress and disconnection from your yoni can cause many physical symptoms over time. Blocked energy in our feminine essence can hinder our spiritual growth, pleasure and reconnection.
This workshop is like yoga for your intimate parts.
You will learn somatic exercises for vaginal healing, strengthening and activation. These exercises are helpful for physical problems such as tissue atrophy that comes with age, incontinence (when sneezing, laughing or exercising), vaginal dryness, and numbness.
On an emotional level, the exercises will help to release pent up emotional stress and trauma, subsequently tightening the vaginal wall, awakening the nerve endings, and ultimately increasing capacity for the big O.... ohhh yes.
This workshop will also be available as a playback for all who register.