MANkind. It’s a world historically ruled by men, but now women are finally starting to reach their full potentials. If you look at graduation rates, job protections and even marriage patterns, women are tearing down the stereotypes of the past. More women today are doctors, lawyers, accountants and bankers. And in my own life and through my Skirt club members, I see how fighting against the traditional power dynamics in relationships pays off. Confidence in the bedroom truly does translate to confidence everywhere else in life. When power dynamics in the home, at work and in society are more balanced, women feel an overall satisfaction in life. And with this continuing shift, what could our future look like?

Let’s start with traditional gender roles…

Men are in charge and women are just left to submit? No. I have witnessed way too many women in romantic relationships putting their partner’s needs before their own. Women have approached me and asked me to have a threesome only to please their boyfriends. But to that I say: No. Please yourself. Thanks to Skirt Club, more women are open to exploring their bisexuality and their desires. Now, women realise the importance of putting their needs before a man’s. Gone is the shy wallflower who accepted her role as the pleaser, and in comes the siren who knows how she’d like to be pleased. Knowledge and taking control are two of the factors driving women to demand men meet their needs.

And when you’re satisfied in the bedroom, the more confident you are at work.

I realised that the more sexually confident I was, the more risks I took and the less I cared about what other people thought about me. I had more job satisfaction and I was getting the contracts I wanted from seething confidence. We’re constantly told to “lean in” in order to be successful, but it’s hard to do that if you lack confidence. As Grace Killelea, author of “The Confidence Effect” has written, “Having confidence leads to other behaviours; like speaking up, raising your hand, taking risks, having a voice at the table.” And though not everyone will need to be sexually free to gain confidence, I founded Skirt Club because I felt that if I could give confidence to women this way, then I was doing a good thing. Besides, women already have more qualities than men that fit leader personalities. More industries are realising that women are naturally more empathetic and self-aware. They excel at collaboration and management. Women also typically care about different things than men. They, for example, appear to care more for children, human rights, poverty eradication and the environment more than men do. With all these characteristics and with more women in charge, we could potentially have corporations and industries that favour children, environment and sustainability.

And once women experience financial freedom, we’ll also be able to see more women taking charge at home.

Financially speaking, women already make the decisions in the purchases of 94 percent of home furnishings, 92 percent of vacations, 91 percent of homes, 60 percent of automobiles and 51 percent of consumer electronics. Women have driven and will continue to drive the world economy. But with more financial freedom, women don’t have to feel indebted to men, who are stereotypically the “breadwinners.” Women, instead, are free to pursue their own interests, desires and hobbies. I hope to expect more men contributing to the chores, making dinner and childrearing. Women no longer have to work unpaid overtime hours as a wife, mother and professional because with a more balanced power dynamic comes a more balanced relationship.

And perhaps with more women in charge, our environment may even be in better shape.

Being sustainable, after all, has been linked to “femininity.” According to the Journal of Consumer Research, various studies have shown that the concepts of greenness and femininity are cognitively liked. Thus, consumers (especially men) who engage in green behaviours are stereotyped by others as more feminine. Because of this, women are greener than men in both their attitudes and their actions in the workplace, in the home and in their personal lives. For example, the environmental friendliness of a product has a moderate to major influence on the purchasing habits of 77 percent of women in business, reports the Center for Women’s Business Research. Women are also the driving force behind two-thirds of households that regularly recycle. And on top of that, women buy more environmentally conscious fashion than men. So with more women in charge, they could influence more men to make greener decisions. Because, after all, being green and saving the environment shouldn’t be emasculating. Basically? Make room, guys. It’s time for more women to take charge. Authored by Genevieve LeJeune

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